Electro-Acupuncture Medicine Foundations Course Online This elite class forms the foundation of Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM). EAM is a form of health care that is rooted in Traditional Oriental medical concepts
EAM Masters Online Discount
Electro-Acupuncture Medicine Masters Course Online This Masterclass uses the knowledge and skills that students have previously acquired from the foundations course, and builds upon this wisdom to dramatically increase the
EAM DENTAL Primer Online
Did you know that acupuncture channels flow through teeth in discrete circuits? When approaching diagnosis and treatment of the most severe, chronic, debilitating, and non or slow responding patients it
EAM Foundations Independence Day Package
Includes: EAM Foundations Online - Giving you an in depth overview of the EAM system, protocols and Treatments to harness the power of EAM. EAM Headache and Migraine Webinar Recording
EAM Foundations Independence Day Package 3 Pay
Includes: EAM Foundations Online - Giving you an in depth overview of the EAM system, protocols and Treatments to harness the power of EAM. EAM Headache and Migraine Webinar Recording